Thursday, March 04, 2010

a little dreaming

I'm plugging along.

Some days it feels like this masters thesis will indeed win and kill me! Other days the end feels so close I can taste its tinny blood!

So that's that. It is a struggle and there will be a celebration, eventually.

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In the meantime when I need a break I am still going through all of my magazines and pulling out inspiration pages. It seems like an endless job and everywhere I turn in the apartment I have a half reviewed magazine sitting, waiting for me to finish with it, or a basket full of more to be gone through. Like I said, it seems like an endless job which I am hoping I will finish before the end of the month so I can sell the whack of magazines at our annual MS Garage Sale. It will feel so good to have some space back and it has been nice to re-arrange the book shelves to put other things where these piles of magazines used to be.

My file folders of inspiration for each room are near bursting out of my file rack and so I have been trying to find some of the images online as a way to preserve the magazines for others to enjoy and as a way to save some space in my file folders.

Really it would be simpler to just rip and tear and not worry, however that philosophy would not have taken me to the sites of several photographers to find some other inspiring interiors like these from Michael Graydon:

According to doorsixteen this was for Wish Magazine.

I just love the shards of colour played off against the white backdrop in both of these interiors! And those little boy beds, very reminiscent of this I'd say.

And why with all the tearing and ripping and inspiring? It is a far off, maybe, in the future kind of idea but we may move to a home that is wonderful in its own right and would need some splashes of our taste and some modifications to suit our lifestyle. I think it is even more fun to dream big with a specific project in mind and so while this may be a far off dream it is nice to be constantly inspired by it!

A little peek into my dream plans.

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