I'm liking it and my intarsia technique is getting better I think (despite the faulty purling). I have 46 rows to go - well really only 30 and then I knit the toe. After the toe is done I will pull out the false stitches (the yellow line on the right and the black line on the left) and knit the two sides of the heel.
I am very confident I will be done all knitting in time to board a plane to Toronto on Sunday morning. My plan is to occupy my time on the flight with the pleasures of weaving in ends and sewing up seams - joy oh bliss! At least I'll be strapped into a seat so I guess that means I'll get it done.
I am nervous about what I can and can't take on the plane in terms of knitting needles - I would love to take these socks (don't mind the giant knot which has kept me from knitting these for over a week - knitting from both ends of the ball not to smart).

I think security will likely ban my tiny, circular metal needles. "Great, a stabbing AND a strangling object, perfect! You're clear."
Does anyone else have any recent experience flying with needles? I'd love to take some plastic needles on board to do a scarf and maybe some dp bamboo needles to do a hat. Will they care?
How is everyone else doing with their stocking progress? We are so close my Mistletoes! Monday will be the day of beautiful stockings and much celebration, I can just feel it!
Oh and check out this fabulous pin I've been wearing on my hat all week - thank you miss Jennifer! (Sorry, next post - Blogger won't upload it and it is too late to trouble shoot tonight).
1 comment:
Ooo, your stocking looks beautiful!
I flew in October and took all kinds of little double pointed metal needles that looked like stabbing tools! I just looked up the rules from TSA and they say "knitting and crochet needles" and the column is marked yes. They don't specify what kind or how many. . .so I think you're golden to take whatever you might need. Just be careful about what scissors you take. Check out the site and scroll around to see what you can and can't take.
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