Sunday, February 17, 2008

Just another Lazy Sunday

Just a lazy Sunday after a party we hosted last night as a thanks to everyone who helped us get to Ghana on our Habitat build. The last guests left around 2am so it has been a slow day - esp. this afternoon as I awake from an unintentional nap. Does anyone else have a ridiculous time waking up from naps? I do. This is why I usually avoid them.

I'm excited to be posting here again and feel like this is the space to share so many things. Like just a few minutes ago I logged on to check out Soule Mama's blog and thought I would play around and check out some of her links. There was a link to this article under her 'Inspiring' heading which I really enjoyed and so far I have fallen in love with Christien Meindertsma's knitted designs - check them out, they are wholesome, thought provoking and stunning to my eye. I am especially in love with pouf (as below, but also click the little sheep in the middle of the page to see more) and with her technique - click on the flock and click the arrow to the last photo to see her gigantic cast on stitches - amazing!

Christien Meindertsma's pouf - stunning.

Well now that I'm slightly more awake and a bit motivated to do some clean-up before the work week begins I'll be off, but first a little dinner at the pub up the street with my Superstar ; )

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Been Gone So Long

It has been way too long since I've posted here . . . 6 blogs seems to be a bit too much for me so I'm trying to decide what to do - keep all 6, combine most of them into one? Decisions, decisions! What I have decided is to blog more so this blog will skip directly from 2006 to 2008 with brand new posts!

I have several projects on the needles, so many vintage finds to share, a gazillion photos to put out there into the Flckr world and it seems, not enough time to do it. More blogging is in my February list of resolutions though so stay tuned one way or the other!