Friday, October 13, 2006

Stocking Update - Week 5 (Already!?!)

The stocking is only a bit further along however, it is only suffering from neglect with the great progress in my Soctoberfest Socks! No photos yet, but I'm going to try and weave in the ends and tighten up/untangle the kitchener stitch toes so I can wear them tonight, damn it!

I began these socks some time ago (you know, I can't even remember when I started them!) and was using them as a sort of motivator to help me push towards finishing my MA thesis (how else does a knitter motivate herself in things not knitterly?) and getting to the ultimate goal of defending the thesis and wearing the newly named 'Thesis Defense Socks'. Well about 2 weeks ago I decided this thesis was keeping me from moving on with and living the rest of my life and I decided to withdraw from my program and start doing things I love. And so, the 'Thesis Defense Socks' became the 'Birthday Socks' but didn't quite get finished on Sunday (too many phone calls and a squash dish to prepare for dinner) and then became known as the 'Freedom Socks' which I think is a much more appropriate name. So, I'm heading out with a friend tonight to attend a live show downtown, something I never would have done while I was 'working on my thesis' and so, I WILL finish these socks and wear them tonight! Here's to Freedom from doing things you do not love and to freshly knitted socks!

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